Wednesday, April 28, 2010

History of Electronics

I think that nobody could survive without electronics(people who just want some fun with technology). I think that in the twentieth century is the most important century ever, because is the time where electronics was invented. I always see people with electronics devices and gadgets where I ever go. People have different kind of phones that I want to have. MP3 or IPods is the most electronics deice that I see. But there are many devices that I see that people get entertain with. But did you know that in 1883, Thomas Alva Edison discovered that electrons will flow from one metal conductor to another through a vacuum. Which is how this person noticed that by knowing what can electrons do, he can do many cool things with it. So with that information, The first applications of electron tubes were in radio communications. Then later after some people noticed about this great invention, they use it for other creations. Like, Guglielmo Marconi developed the wireless telegraph in 1896 and long-distance radio communication in 1901. This is how phones or telephones started, which is pretty cool, because old phones use to be big and now they are tiny as a mouse. Technology has helped us in wars and government too. Communications technology was able to make huge advances before World War I. We had use radios to communicate with other forces around the world. But during WWI there was another great invention. Radio was the primary form of education and entertainment, but then it was soon challenged by television. Before TVs use to be heavy. There where heavy because they where made out of wood, and they had small screens(they had not invented plastic yet). However, as time pass engineers, invented colored TVs. But there was an invention that went farther than the color TVs. Vladimir Zworykin was considered the "father of the television" because of his inventions. His inventions made TVs' images look more clearly and better. This egineer made TVs involved to the limits. Now we have like 60' inches TVs(I have one), or even bigger ones. Whit also all that information of the TVs, scientist had made computers. So as computers have been invented, the internet was invented too. So as internet was invented, our education has improved a lot more than the 1920s or something like that. But I think after computers where invented our world has changed a lot. New TVs, new radios, new ways to lisent to music, new ways to be enteinrain our self. So just imagine how we had change our ways of live in just over 100 years, a whole century. For me its really short time. I had never noticed this sense now. I'm really amazed what us humans have done. WWWOOOOHHHHH!!!!!!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

HTC EVO 4G is the coolest HD Phone

I had been hearing many rumors from my friends about this new phone from Sprint. Its called the HTC EVO 4g. When I heard about this phone, I was like OMG men. The name of this phone sounds kind of like a new IPhone, but in a better than IPhone. But when I heard it was from Sprint, I was mad because I have a T-Mobile phone(That sucks big time). But its ok for me, because I really don't need one right now. But this is the cool thing, because who wouldn't like to have a phone that tells you the weather when you turn it on. Yeeaaahh!! isn't that cool. But this new generation of the HTC is released on this summer. This might be the best specced phone I had ever witnessed. The handset is centered around a 480 x 800 4.3-inch TFT LCD. Which the screen is really big for phone. But its cool because you can watch movies in HD. If I would of have it, I will be watching my most favorite movies.

This phone has a lot of enemies like the Blackberry Storm, the IPhone, the IGoogle, and the Android. The Blackberry is the most smartest phone on all companies(might). But I think that the Blackberry is just for business people, not for teenagers(only if you text a lot because it has a complete keyboard). The IPhone is the funnest phone device that a person can have. The IPhone has many apps that you can have fun, for education, and for traveling. The IGoogle is one of the most finest T-Mobile phones, because its almost like a computer and a phone together. However, there is another phone that has been one the greatest hits on the U.S. The Android from Verizon, is the advance phone, with its high Internet, and hundreds of apps. All of this phones have a lot of cool things, but they might not beat the HTC. The HTC has everything of all this phones. Its a smart phone, it has a fast Internet accesses, you can put many applications like the IPhone, and its kind of like a computer too. But there is a thing that other phones don't have. They don't have High Definition movies.

The HTC has many cool apps. There is a new feature which is the Sprint hotspot app, another MiFi-style connection sharing number. But its not just the apps that makes this phone cool. There is other things that takes this phone a breathtaking. The camera does seem to be the coolest high quality. The screen makes me go crazy for it, because its so high definition. This phone its bigger than other kind of phone. The screen is bigger than other phone. In the back there's strong, chrome kick stand so you don't have to be carrying the whole entire time. One of the thing that I never know about this Phone is that you can connect it on a TV and watch your favorite videos or movies. No other phone can do that, which now I really do want one(I think I'm going to change my T-Mobile phone to the HTC EVO 4g from Sprint). There are many cool phones that will come soon on sell. If you want to learn more about other new phones, just check my other posts.


Friday, April 16, 2010

This MP3 looks like an EGG ????.....

Since music has been invented before civilization has started(I think because I'm not really good with Social Studies). Music keeps every living human entertained many thousands of thousands years. Music has been changing every hundreds of year. From Jazz to Rock & Roll. From Rock & Roll to Pop. And also from Pop to Rap, ect. Since we invented the MP3, many people over the world started to buy them. People buy MP3 because, its the best way to listen music on the go. I always listen to music, but I use to have a MP3, but this dude steal it from my locker(that was not cool from him). But I'm going to buy a new one like the "Sony Rolly MP3 Player. This MP3 its cool because it looks like an egg, and you can do cool things with it too.

These days, the trends for MP3 player go way beyond simple playing and recording functions. Many companies all over the world are trying to make the smallest, most technological MP3s. Now MP3s are smaller, more cheaper, and more powerful than ever. Sony have been one of the top companies that have the most selling devices. Sony made this MP3 so people will know how Sony is taking MP3s structures OUT OF THIS WORLD!!!!! The Sony Rolly is a kind of wireless speaker/audio player with 1GB of internal memory. Which it allows to interact with it and select the tracks that you want to listen to. I mean, is there any other kind of MP3 that has wireless, I DON'T THINK SO!!! Even this MP3 has speakers, and some MP3 don't. This is why this MP3 is more special than the other MP3s. Another cool thing about it, its that the Rolly will be moving all around your room(hahahaha). While the music is playing, Rolly lights up the tunes with blue, orange, and green LEDs. Its like a night club(Pump up the party). This light are for the people who are scare of been in the dark(JK).

This MP3 could be the next generation of other MP3s. The Rolly is the best way to be hearing music. But I bet you people are just wondering when is the Rolly going to release. Well i got bad news. I really don't know when is going to release(I'm sorry people). But there is a thing that I will tell that you are not going to like. This MP3 player does cost a lot of money. It cost like 400$ bucks, which is a lot of green paper($$$$$$). This is why I will be thinkig about buying this MP3, becasue its cool, and expensive. Thats all I can say about the Rolly. But there are lot more MP3s that you can buy with a cheaper price(they could be cool too). Learn more about other funky technology, just check out my other posts.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

TV Thiner than a PENCIL????

Can you believe that technology has gone to far now. WWOOO!!! :0 Us humans want to push ourselves technology to far. The Samsung Company has made one really tiny thin flat screen TV. I forgotten that it you can watch it in 3D. Samsung spark the excitement within the home entertainment with this new TV. OOhhh, I forgot the TV is called the "Samsung 9000-series LED 3D TV". Even the name sounds so technology. Just imagine "9000", doesn't? the name is not just the advance thing, there are other cool things that has this TV. Keep reading and you will find out.

Samsung's LED LCD televisions are the he only one they're calling "ultra thin". Just look at the size of thickness of your pencil. Just take a closer look. The same thickness that is your pencil is the same thickness of this TV. I think this is pretty cool because, now we are really starting to go advance. Just imagine how we had become so smart on technology. We had made one of the greatest advance devices. Over almost 70 years had pass sense TV was invented . Old TVs use to have small screen, they were also to heavy because they use to be on big boxes. Now the new TVs are really big from the old one. They are also starting to be thin as a pencil, and not weight heavy. I think that the future will be sooner than I thought.
Another cool thing about this TV is that it comes with a cool remote. This TV has a touch remote that itself contains a small screen which will allow the user to watch a TV picture on their remote even in a different room to where their TV set is! THAT IS COOL MEN!!! so I don't have to be arguing with my brother or sisters about watching TV in my room. Family this days [JK :)]. Also you can even watch live TV on the remote while the television shows a different program or even a movie. Now that is called a TV people.

Know I don't if you are excited about this TV with is thin flat screen, and a cool touch remote. But there is something that it would make it you more excited, because I'm already am. You can watch your favorite TV show or your favorite Movie in 3D. Yes in 3D!! :0 I'm so excited that I don't feel like going to the bathroom right men. I can't believe that the thinness TV, can be in 3D. Know you don't have to the theater when there is new 3D movies, you can just watch 3D movies in your house. Did I forgot to mention that you can watch Blue-Ray movies too. WWWOOO!!! can this get more cool. I hope so because this all that I know from this TV. Oh! yeah, this TV might come on stores on summer or on late 2010. If you feel to know more about other cool electronics, keep reading more on my other posts on my blog.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


You had heard about the new Ipad but you had not heard about the new Phone of Apple. This new is called the IPhone 4g. I know that is the same name but is the fourth generation of it. Many rumours i had heard about this new IPhone so that's why i will be talking about it. I had
heard that comes around June or July of 2010.
The cool thing about this new IPhone is that you can video chat. Isn't that cool, I mean you don't have to put the phone right in your ear, which it gets kind of anion, so that is why many people just text instead of calling. However, coming back about the video chat. This way of video chat can bring us to the future, JK,(might).
When I was a little kid my first entertainment electronic was the NINTENDO 64 (Which it was pretty cool, I wish I had one right now so it can bring back some old memories). I wish when I was a little kid they should invented the IPhone, because I would of buy it.
You bloggers want to hear something so awesome about this tide phone is that could also have dual core processors. It also has a higher and powerful graphic chips, that you can watch your videos in High Definition. But there is something that I'm forgetting. DDDAAAHHH!!!Applications. The IPhone would not that popular if there wouldn't be no apps. Don't worry new cool apps would be in sell on Itunes.
Many companies of the United States (Verizon, T-mobile, and AT&T) want to have the IPhone. Sprint already has it, other companies like T-mobile. But the companies that are most of the competitive are Verizon and AT&T. There are talks of Verizon Wireless getting iPhone sometime in 2010. But AT&T is not stay there and watch Verizon selling all the IPhones, they will be having them too (maybe). But if AT&T would not be on the contract, many people would change AT&T to Verizon because they have the cool stuff and AT&T is does not.
Many phones are being competitive with the IPhone, like the Palm Pre(AT&T) and the Blackberry, which it will be looking kind of bad to Verizon. But I think that the Verizon would not lose becasue they have a secret weapon, which is the Android.
The new IPhone would be an awesome hit in America, because it has return in a better, advance, cool way. However, theres is a many phones that could be competitive with the IPhone 4g. Check out my whole entire blog if want to learn about other COOL phones or electronics

Monday, April 12, 2010

The BEST laptop EVER!!!!!!

There is a new cool laptop that just came out on April 4Th, 2010. This new laptop is called, is called (tatatata tata TATA!!!), the "IPAD". This new device its from the Apple company. Many people have been talking about that they should of made a new Ipod version. Well there you have it the new, cool, awesome, magnificent, Ipad. Even the name sound raw. Before they named the Ipad, it use to be called "Apple Tablet", "The Slate", "Canvas", and other names.
There have been many questions around the world about the Ipad. Is this the best device that the Apple company has made? How big is it? Is this the answer to the future? Can this do my homework? Is this a computer or a Ipod touch? and there a lot of questions that i don't to type because I'm too lazy. But there are too many things talking about the Ipad. How did they come out with that awesome idea? What are some things that could be on the device? The industrial design, and the display.
When people saw the Ipad on TV or on the Internet, every got excited, even me. But that doesn't mean that you have to buy it. This thing is too expensive. Ipad is better than those other touch computer, or TV, and other kind of MP3 player, because this has every thing you could be asking for. This device its like heaven men. HOLY LUJA!!! But this not over, you could also buy or get free applications from Itunes, or the app store.
This Ipad is device that can do anything. Like a computer. Ipad can go to the Internet and you could look for anything. But you will need some WI-FI to go on the Internet. When you want to type something, it would show you a big, complete, cool keyboard(touch screen, dddaaa). However if your are not good at touching, you can buy a keyboard(not touch screen) so it can might make it easier. There is another thing that I want to talk about the ipad. The cool thing that you can watch HIGH DEFINITION!!, isn't that cool.
But if think this is not enough of the latest electronics, you should check out my others blogs so you can more info. PEACE ;)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


WWAAZZ UUPP!! people. My name is Mauricio. I'm a human, you are a human too, and we humans need our technology to live fresh. I'm person that love the technology(all the time), but there is still space for girls in my part of love(JK). I'm a funny person(of course) that jokes around with other people. I'm also a person that is really athletic. I like to play any sport. I always have to do any sport, outside or inside to be in a good shape(EVEY DAY!!). However, I will be talking about the latest electronics like the new cool Ipad, new TVs, new computers, new phones, and other useful stuff to the people. Hope you will like my blogs, and please leave some cool comments.